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Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing and Developmental Assessment

Every person is unique. Each person has a way they learn best, understand and process emotions, and interact in the world. Some people struggle with developmental, learning, or emotional issues; sometimes what looks like a learning issue in school or work may actually be related to an underlying clinical issue requiring treatment. Psychological, neuropsychological, and developmental assessment can be a useful way to better understand your or your child’s unique and specific emotional and learning needs. Testing is a measure of a person’s functioning at a point in time and can be useful when for yourself and/or your treatment team, or for you and your child’s teachers or therapist have questions or concerns about how he or she is learning, developing, or functioning.

Strong Roots Counseling provides psychological and neuropsychological testing of adults up to age 35, children and teens ages 4-17, and developmental assessments of children ages birth-3. Testing and assessment services can be used to help answer a variety of questions you may have about your or your child.  Examples include: 

  • What are my intellectual strengths and in what areas do I need support?

  • Does my child have a learning disability? If so, how can I best support her/him/them and what type of school supports does s/he need?

  • Do I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or is there something else going on that is making it difficult for me to concentrate and focus?

  • My three year old doesn’t seem to be developing as expected. Is she/he/they delayed? Why? And if so what can we do to address these concerns?

  • What is her/his/their learning style and how can what strategies can I use as a parent, or can his/her teachers use to best support his/her unique learning needs?

  • I'm moody and my sleep is unpredictable.  Am I depressed or is something else going on?

  • My child isn’t progressing in therapy and there is a question about his/her/their diagnosis. Testing is requested to help clarify a diagnosis and aid in guiding his/her treatment.


Testing and assessments typically combine individual interviews and testing to gather information about you or your child’s cognitive abilities, developmental functioning, and emotional life. It is most useful when addressing a specific referral question, and can be a way to help clarify a diagnosis and guide treatment needs.



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